Monday, May 25, 2009

FlatMii announced - 'plug and play' Wii ISO emulation

The FlatMii team has announced a new mod product for the Wii which is a contrast to most products out there.

Essentially, it is a little PCB that hooks up to the Wii's DVD flex cable and motherboard and emulates ISO files using software on a computer which is connected to the device via USB.

Here is a quote from the team...

We are proud to announce our new wii device named "FLATMII" and introducing a new concept of the wii use.Flatmii doesnt require any kind of soldering,clip or software modification for installing. No modchip is required, flatmii is a simple Plug and Play device and the installation only needs a few easy steps.

Share any wii supported format from your PC using Highspeed 2.0 USB protocol . Play or emulate anyone of your stored Wii/Gamecube image discs. Forget about problems like newest drive chipsets including EPOXY or D3 ,Dre's or long and noisy disc loadings.

You can even use your Wii without a Wii DVD drive or with a faulty or damaged because it's not required for the FLATMII use.

Official webpage is , it includes full features,picture of the product ,videoinstallation tutorial and Video Demo links

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